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Phil Spencer on Crackdown 3: the best of the series so far, cloud works great

The Xbox Division at Microsoft Phil Spencer is back talking on Twitter about 3 Crackdown , and did so in particular with two very interesting post. In first explained that she had just tried the title with the head of Microsoft Studios Shannon Loftis, stating: " The Crackdown experience I've ever had. The control of the agent, the world is extremely alive, very different enemies, really fun " .

In short, it seems that Spencer the game is enjoying a lot, going as far as to consider it the best in the series: this bodes well for those who were hoping for a title at the first Crackdown and not disappointing as the second.

But that's not all: Phil spoke also on cloud technology which, please note, the title employs exclusively in the single-player campaign will use it while not multiplayer and will be playable offline. Responding to a question from a user, the manager simply said " the technology works great ." So even on that front there seem to be few worries.

After these confirmations, we now look forward to being able to see something more substantial on Crackdown 3 ! We hope that this opportunity will present early: as always we will keep you informed.