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Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet


Qualche curiosità su Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

Xbox Community Network ci ha inviato una serie di fatti interessanti su Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, il nuovo sparatutto a scorrimento per Live Arcade. Ve li proponiamo di seguito, in inglese.

1.      ITSP was conceived by Michel Gagne and Joe Olson over Thai food at a Seattle restaurant in October 2006.


2.      ITSP's cinematics feature orchestral music by black metal gods, Dimmu Borgir. 


3.      37 pieces of concept art by Michel Gagne are hidden within the game.


4.      The cinematics and several of the animation assets in the game were created with the Animo software which Michel Gagne helped design in the 90’s, and which was used to create Brad Bird's The Iron Giant.


5.      ITSP's art style spawned from a series of interstitials Michel Gagne created in 2005 called, Insanely Twisted Shadow Puppets, which were shown on Nickelodeon on Halloween 2005.


6.      Michel Gagne purposely did not look at or play any games during the production of ITSP in order to stay free of influences. The last game he remembers playing was the first version of Doom in 1993.


7.      ITSP runs at 60fps for smooth HD graphics and controls.


8.      ITSP has no load times due to Fuelcell's proprietary streaming tech.


9.      ITSP's sound designer Andrew Scott also created the sounds for the original interstitials.


10.  Over 1,000 tacos were consumed by the developers over the course of the development of ITSP.

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