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Penello: Xbox 360 titles will be enhanced for Xbox One X

A few months ago Microsoft revealed that the launch of the Xbox One X we could enjoy the experience "improved" not only with games of this generation but also with some titles for Xbox 360 backwards compatible, and kept faith with promise by releasing updates that they improved on the new console a series of titles of the older generation.

These include Halo 3 , The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion , Fallout 3, the first Assassin's Creed , Gears of War 3 , Mirror's Edge and Skate 3 , which with the support of 4 k and HDR have literally lived a new life on the most powerful console on the market.

Today we discover, Cape tramtite a tweet Marketing Xbox Albert Penello , that soon we will add more titles to the list.

We do not know now how many and what games Xbox 360 will be enhanced on Xbox One X; n on it only remains to wait for further announcements by Microsoft . C ome always please continue to stay tuned for any updates on this.