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Action Henk arrives on consoles this summer

RageSquid and Digital Curve have announced that the platforming game Action Henk will be released in digital format on Xbox One , having already been released on PC, during next summer. The title will tell the story of Henk , an action figure who wants to relive his heroic past; " in the years 80 and 90 Henk was the fastest of all, but today very little remains of its former glory. After being challenged by his rival Dr. Kentony, Henk is determined to prove he still has the cards to be the fastest of all! "

In the game we will have to try to "exploit the physics and the righteous impulses to reach the end of the 70 levels in the shortest time possible. To do this you will need to master all the tricks that this physics-based platformer lets you use, including the famous slip with. "

We leave you with the trailer for ad: good vision!

MX Video - Action Henk