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Titanfall: a match can reach 48 units per map, Respawn deepens on the balance

The News of 12 players in Titanfall match resulted in lengthy discussions between fans, probably because many had not yet figured out what game it was and compared any continued belief in a CoD or Battlefield, thinking that the same logic could also work for the title Respawn. In fact the game coming up March moves on very different from its competitors, and the developers have wanted to delve into this topic.

First, the fact that there are 6 players per team means not that the maps will be restricted or deserted: Titanfall is designed as a new kind of multiplayer, with a campaign and a story that unravel long matches and players will feel part of a huge conflict in which many soldiers are involved. The result will therefore be battles with many units on the field, but not all tours by players: for every match, in addition to 12 players can reach a maximum of 24 soldiers led by IA (12 for team) and also each human player may invoke a Titan that can enter, but can also use it as auto-piloted Sentinel from IA. Doing the sums, this could lead to match in which there will be 48 contemporary units including huge Titan: obviously this is an extreme case because, unless you put all agree, it is difficult that all players recall a Titan at the same time (also considered that to call it you have to wait some time, can be decreased faster with the kill) and who decide to enter it not leaving it at IAbut it is a possibility.

The lead designer of Respawn Justin Hendry also wanted to explore the question of balancing the game and how it is arrived at by 6 players per team: Hendry explained that this number was reached after numerous experiments with different configurations, and testers have noted that, by increasing the number of players, the title started to become too chaotic and difficult to manage. This is because, unlike other FPS, in Titanfall you can be killed from six different directions: while we're in a building the enemies could come from the Windows, to get from the top or from the bottom up and jump-jet access routes to each location are manifold. To secure the player must therefore be constantly moving moving it on the streets, where it is more vulnerable, but jumping between buildings and running on the walls; It has been seen that the number of 6 players is what allowed the creation of more balanced match with this style of gameplay, which otherwise would become too unmanageable with a frequency of clashes and deaths is too high and with players who would have found it impossible to keep tabs on all directions from which can reach an enemy.

This statement also makes us guess that soldiers led by IA will be less aggressive or not will exploit the jump-jet, otherwise this discussion it would make sense given the ability to add up to 12 per team: if they had the same ability and aggressiveness of human players, would soon too chaotic games. And in fact the designer explains that their aim is to allow even novice players to have the "cannon fodder" with which to compare, in order to be able to kill even when not too experienced: obviously the more experienced players will be able to grind kills between IA and real players at a much higher rate.

As for the AI of the Titan instead, once we mentioned we will have three options: we can enter it right away and use them directly, Alternatively we can put them in "sentry" to patrol and keep safe a certain area or we can still tell you to follow us to cover their backs. In the latter we find mode reaching our position even if our respawn, obviously unless someone does not make them out sooner.

Hendry explained that initially the game supported 8 or 12 players per team, but as that team and testers played they realized that the match became more manageable and entertaining by lowering the number of players, until you find the 6 vs 6 as perfect balance: basically the game is designed to be in 6 against 6. With regard to the size of the maps, he also explained that these vary greatly: there has been so far shown only a medium-sized, but there are also broader with one in particular " really huge ".

Well, from what you say Titanfall developers is something quite different from what we have known so far in multiplayer, and arenas can't be evaluated according to the meters used today in other titles. Will be played to realize the type of game, but I can tell you that, having already tried personally in 6 games vs 6, I tend to believe the match said: I tried were frantic, fast, highly amusing and frustrating or too chaotic ever, despite the maps are always full of drive and there was always something to do or someone to kill.

There are still only two months out of the game: soon all players will realize that cheese is made the game.