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Enotria The Last Song: Jyamma Games has second thoughts, it will arrive on Xbox at launch

In March, the decision by the Milanese studio Jyamma Games to temporarily cancel the Xbox version of the interesting souls-like Enotria: The Last Song caused a lot of discussion; at the time, the CEO of the studio stated that the choice was aimed at dedicating more attention to other platforms, and then later also arriving on Xbox.

However, it seems that the studio has now changed its mind again: the guys at Jyamma have in fact announced a new postponement in the launch date of the title, which will now arrive on September 19, revealing that on that date the title will also be released for Xbox Series X|S.

All's well that ends well, then: let's wait to be able to play it now to verify the qualities of this interesting action-RPG inspired by Italian folklore!