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Possible cooperative demo Brink

Paul Wedgwood of Splash Damage said the software company is seriously thinking of releasing a demo cooperative devoted to Brink, sci-fi shooter out later this year. As you can read the interview given to VG247, the game is currently in pre-beta, and thus is the stage which requires adjustments and balances that could occupy a lot of programmers, as to carefully evaluate the possible release of a demo. We leave the statements of Paul Wedgwood.

"We are talking excitedly about the possibility of releasing a demo Brink cooperative but the problems are many. In strictly technical terms the game is currently in pre-beta and hence needs a myriad of devices and balances that are needed to make the satisfying ' gaming experience. But we would really like also release a demo to see what they think we as fans and plausible option. We'll see how the project will go ahead and decide accordingly. "

And we'll see how things unfold the story by sharing with you any possible new information.