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Rumor: the new Call of Duty will have an entirely open world Campaign

Interesting news for fans of the Call of Duty series: journalist Tom Henderson reported on the Insider Gaming site about the information received from his sources about the new title in the series coming out this year, which according to past rumors could be called Call of Duty: Black Ops Gulf War and will be developed by Raven Software for the Campaign and Treyarch for multiplayer.

The journalist's informants have revealed that the game's Campaign will be completely open world this time: it will therefore not be "open areas" as seen in some of the previous titles, but a real completely open map that can be navigated freely, in "Far Cry style".

According to this information, the game will see us freely explore the map, both on foot and with vehicles and also through fast travel points, but there will still be more linear missions to be carried out once we reach the location of certain objectives.

If confirmed, this could be a very welcome breath of fresh air for lovers of the series. We just have to wait for any announcements from Activision/Microsoft to find out if this will really be the case!