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The exclusive Xbox As Dusk Falls surveyed by the ESRB: imminent release? New details

There's a lot of news about As Dusk Falls, the narrative adventure produced by Xbox Games Studios and developed by INTERIOR/NIGHT, the London studio founded by the lead designer of Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. Today, however, an important news emerges: the American rating body, the ESRB, has registered the game with an M rating (for adults) and adding the card between its pages.

This not only leads us to think that the release of the game is not far away and that it can take place in the spring period, but also provides us with new details about the game thanks to the description given by the ESRB. We have translated it for you:

"This is a narrative adventure game where players follow Vince Walker and Jay Holt and their family stories in Arizona during the 90s. As players progress through each family's story, various choices of dialogue and action are presented that influence the outcome/progression of the story. Some choices require players to follow on-screen directions that can lead to violence: a deputy sheriff shot and killed by a gunman; a character shot in the head by a police sniper; a strangled character; a man hanging from a rope. The action sequences are accompanied by occasional gunshots and blood stains on the characters' bodies and clothes. The game contains some suggestive material: a representation of a fetish magazine for the feet; characters who make sexual jokes (for example, "... So Bill turns to Hillary and says, 'But I thought the Gaza Strip was a topless bar.'" "Heard?... He can't get it up... He says he has hardwood... Maybe you need a cold shower"); a sequence in the bedroom in which moans and heavy breaths are heard. Over the course of the game, characters are shown smoking marijuana and inhaling aersol fumes to get high. A teenage character is also depicted drinking beer. The words "ca**zo" and "me**a" are heard in the game."

So we hope to have official news about the game soon!