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Xbox One: Full details about the new update

A couple of days late, due to our London trip to the X019, we bring you information about the new Xbox One update that Microsoft released for everyone on November 15th. The Novermber 2019 Update introduces several new features that were already being tested by preview program members: let's see which.

  • Text dictation - The text dictation option, found on the Xbox virtual keyboard, is finally available in English as well. Simply select it and say the text you want to write (obviously wearing a headset microphone or via Kinect) to see it appear on the screen, without the need to type it.
  • Xbox One action for the Google Assistant - After the introduction of the Alexa Skill, owners of Google Home or the Google Assistant app will now be able to control Xbox with voice commands. The feature is also available in Italy, but unfortunately for now only in English. We await news on location.
  • New Gamertag Management - The new Discord-style Gamertag management has now been publicly released, allowing you to choose your own Gamertag even if it is already used by others: in all areas of the Xbox interface (friends list, groups, clubs, messages, etc.) it will appear with a number next to it, a more muted coloring to make the chosen GT stand out more. If you choose a Non-Existent Gamertag or want to keep your current one, no number will be shown. After this update, change Gamertag for the first time will be free even if you have already changed it in the past. Then it will come back for a fee.
  • Filter profanity in messages - you can now set the profanity filter level for received messages in your profile settings (for yourself or a family member, such as a child), so that the system can automatically remove unwelcome words or allow any words.
  • Simplified Settings - The Settings screen has been reorganized to allow easier and faster access to various console settings.
  • First console installation process - For those who purchased the console and are configuring it for the first time, the process is now also speeded up by the ability to make settings via smartphone, while the console is downloading the latest update.