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TitanFall to Respawn is an Xbox exclusive, first details

Thanks to a leak from the cover of the July issue of Game Informer, we can finally discover the veil on Respawn Entertainment project: the name of the game is TitanFall and will be available in the spring of 2014 on new Xbox Xbox 360 One and, while it is also waiting for a PC version.

Respawn will deal with One PC and Xbox versions, while another developer will take the title on the Xbox 360, and as graphics engine you have chosen to use Valve's Source Engine, since it would take much more time to program a graphics engine from scratch.

TitanFall is a multiplayer first-person shooter with elements of single-player, turn to 60 fps, and the protagonists will be the Titans, fast and powerful mecha able to Dodge anything, jump, run and kill multiple enemies at once. These media can be directly controlled by the player, that Pilot will be called, or be controlled by the game: in the first case, we ourselves become clean sweep of opponents taking advantage of all the capabilities of mecha. in the second case will be the Titans to follow us and take care of the dirty work alone.

When the pilot commands a Titan will also need to think about different strategies based on the enemies who must deal with, including other Titans, and what is called for by the Director of the game is to put the shot and then disappear. Among the weapons at the disposal of the riders there are pistols, assault rifles, rocket launchers, Anti-Titans and a special knife called "Knife" that allows you to reprogram the enemy AI and let them pass on our side.

Although TitanFall is designed as a multiplayer title, there will also be single-player astounding elements fully integrated into the structure of the game: the narrative background sees humans forced to live segregated between Earth and the border Planets, while corporations are attempting to steal all the resources of the inhabitants of the border. As for storytelling, developers were inspired by Left 4 Dead and the general atmosphere reminds a lot of District 9 and Blade Runner .

The main available modes are Multiplayer Campaign, Multiplayer classic is scheduled integration with Kinect and SmartGlass. Unlike Call of Duty and other shooter modern warfare TitanFall you survive much longer due to the vastness of the maps, the mix of AI controlled by game and enemies controlled by players in flesh and blood and the power of the Titans.

The article focuses a lot on the objectives of the development team who said that he would focus, at least for their first title, on a single console platform, excluding the PlayStation 4. The reason lies simply in the staff available to Respawn that is far too small to work on all possible platforms.

Game Informer asked them if they had problems with the 5 GB GDDR3 of Xbox One against the 8 GB DDR5 of PS4 and the team responded that even managed to exploit properly the 5 GB with all new management system architecture. The game, in fact, much will cloud computing with its numerous dedicated servers, remedying the ' little ' available RAM: this technology is fundamental for all defined the management of AI and physics.

We are awaiting further details that we will not fail to inform you.