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First details on Saints Row and Enter the Dominatrix

Volition and Deep Silver have recently shown to release Saints Row IV is now available the first information about the game. First, the developers gave an explanation to the protagonists with superpowers scenes seen in the announce trailer : in two words, The Matrix.

In Saints Row IV is the leader of the Saints became the President of the United States, but has not had time to enjoy the success of alien invaders, the Zin, they kidnapped and placed in a virtual reality called The Dominatrix (who, you may recall, is the title of a DLC previously planned for SR: The Third; but we will return to this further down), consisting of a futuristic Steelport reconstruction.

This world is meant to indoctrinate the protagonist and bend to the will of Zin, hoping to get to their feet, the leader of the world's most powerful nation, but somehow in the virtual reality he develops superpowers such as superspeed, the chance to make huge jumps and telekinesis. And will not be disarmed: can use the Gun, which shoots Dubstep riff people immediately put her to dance like crazy, as well as self invested by riff will begin to sway and bounce. But the madness doesn't end there: we can pilot a mech, shoot DDT people and freeze them with thought.

We come now to Enter the Dominatrix: content is still under development, parallel to the main game, and Volition has announced that it will be released as DLC for Saints Row IV in a revised and corrected version compared to the original plans, a sort of "Director's Cut".

Please note that Saints Row IV is expected in stores by August 23.