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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice updates to GOTY Edition next week

Activision announced that on October 28th at 19:00 (Italian time), Sekiro: Shadows die Twice will update for free at the Game of the Year Edition,a new edition of the game that will introduce several interesting news, useful both for those who will face it for the first time, and for veterans who want new challenges or want to show everyone their bravuta.

These features will include the ability to repeat boss fights, take on boss challenges, record particular movements and moments, and more. Here you are, along with a trailer dedicated to the update:

Strength Reflexes and Challenges: Old and New Cimenti for the One-Armed Wolf

Sculptor Idols are not only healing places, but also tools for inner reflection. On his revenge journey, the Wolf has brought down many enemies. And, reflecting on these memories, he can gain an even greater sense of understanding and pride for his victories.

With this update, you'll be able toparticipate in Force Reflexes : Rematch against previously defeated bosses, accessible from any Sculptor Idol. Such Reflexes can help in preparing for the Challenges ofthe Force, single-life cimenti that will really test the bravest warriors... or more reckless.

As in the toughest Challenges, if the Wolf dies at any time of the Challenge, he will have to start all over again. You like challenges, don't you?

A Wolf with Different Disguises - New Clothes

Sculptor Idols also offer the ability to change wolf outfits,three of which will become available with this update, including "Tengu" and "Old Shinobi Ashina." Two of these outfits unlock through Challenges, while the third will only be unlocked by passing the game once.

All costumes have a purely aesthetic nature: they are decorations to crown your successes in Sekiro.

Memories - Recordings to retrieve

Whether you're a new player ready to experience Sekiro for the first time, or you're getting ready to take on some old challenges again, a new system is coming up to record movements and text messages to help you and your fellow travelers along the way.

Memories are recordings of actions performed by a player for a duration of no more than 30 seconds, and are available for use once the tutorial is passed. After a player records their Memory, whether it's an opponent's epic takedown or the flawless demonstration of a combat technique, it can be uploaded and stored in the game along with a written message, so other members of the community can view it at will. The hope is that players who view such Memories can get the necessary knowledge or additional clues to overcome an obstacle. For those looking for a guide on how to cross insidious areas, or looking for hidden places or other mysterious ravines, these recordings can be a real godsend.

If a community member looks at a Memory and assigns it an assessment, the owner of that Memory will get a free recovery of Vitality, which will allow them to return to battle faster without the use of a Sculptor Idol or consumables such as healing Flasks.

MX Video - Sekiro: Shadows die Twice