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DOOM: Bethesda shows us and speaks of demons, energy weapons and power-ups

Bethesda back today to talk of DOOM and in particular of the possibility, for the first time in the history of the shooter, to assume the role of demons and wreak havoc in adrenaline-fueled multiplayer games. Also devastating fighters who can recover energy weapons and powerups that will make for an even more exciting and fun multiplayer.


The demons of not only a more powerful version of the multiplayer DOOM Marine. Many are based on their counterpart of the campaign, and each has different capabilities. In addition, the demons are integrated into gameplay, making it an integral part of the fighting. Here is a list of the types of demons and their characteristics:

Baron of hell

When you have to overpower the other players, the brute force of the Baron of hell is unmatched. The Baron is ideal for those who want to jump into the fray, unleashing deadly melee attacks and brutal killings. Although the Baron of hell is formidable, is not perfect. When addressing a Baron, you better stay away and aim for the head or spine.


Fast and agile, the Revenant tends to bypass enemies and then destroy them with his two deadly missile launcher. Although the Revenant cannot fluctuate through the whole map, can fly for short periods thanks to his jetpack, surpassing chasms and hazards, and striking enemies from above. The area damage of its explosive missiles make it an even more serious threat. The Revenant is a relatively weak demon, so players can quickly harvest health. A hit at the core of a Revenant will inflict serious damage and temporarily disable jetpack.


As understood from the name, this demon for more tactical, multiplayer is ideal for players who prefer to ambush in the shadows and then retired to safety. The predator can jump almost everywhere, reaching high positions and waiting for the right moment to sneak up on unsuspecting enemies. Capable of killing a marine with a single shot, the Predator is able to see enemies through walls, planning their attacks and then execute them with deadly accuracy. With reduced health and lacking in ranged attacks, the Predator is vulnerable if it is not in an elevated position surrounded by more enemies.


Although it may seem slow and shaky, the Mancubus is a fearsome demon able to annihilate the enemies with long-range rockets and to cash out a lot of damage due to its high health. Its explosive rocket salvos are not very precise, but are ideal for cleaning up an entire area. In addition, the Mancubus is equipped with a vent for short range area, which releases the heat accumulated by the use of rockets. If it does not free the heat runs the risk of overheating, but at the same time that vent allows him to annihilate the enemies unwary enough to get too close. The only hope to survive a Mancubus is to keep away and target the demon from the sides or behind. Alternatively, you can hit it with precision into the cavity of the torso, dealing massive damage.


Although the shotgun is one of the iconic weapons of DOOM, as well as a frequent addition to the arsenals of the players, these classic death machines will be available only as limited-use objects created during multiplayer games. Recovering energy weapon, not only will become more deadly, but you can also locate enemies through walls. When consumed ammunition, you'll have to wait until the gun is thrown again in the match. Try not to die with an energy weapon still charged, since it will remain available to the enemies!

Gauss Cannon

Fast and precise, Gauss Cannon shoots rapid rounds dreadfully longthrow able to annihilate multiple enemies without losing power.


When you hear the throaty roar of the chainsaw, you'll know that it's time to retire. This iconic weapon of DOOM can instantly kill any marine ... and inflicting serious injury.

BFG 9000

Like other classic weapons of DOOM, the BFG lives up to its name. His shots are not only able to destroy anything within the explosion, but can also inflict damage to enemies in the path with bursts of electricity.


In DOOM, Fortune favors the bold. This is especially true for players who seek the power ups, usually located at risky points (and busiest). The DOOM powerups will remain in place for a limited period, tantalizing the Marines with their unique bonuses. As the energy weapons, dying with an active enhancement, these will be recoverable from the enemies.


You will see coming, but beware: Although completely transparent (with a slight bias to state your position), the effect is reduced by shooting with a weapon or using the equipment.


Why go fast when you can go faster ? You will not only be faster movements (and you can make longer jumps thanks to greater impetus), but you will increase the rate of fire and reload speed of some weapons.


Thanks to the regeneration you can jump into the fray with greater security. For a limited time, health and armor will gradually, even to exceed the maximum values.


Activating quadruple damage of the Quake, everything will be boosted: primary weapon fire, fire modified and even energy weapons (if you have one). Lethal equipment will be more powerful.

We leave you now with a video that shows us the demons in the game.

MX Video - DOOM