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Rumor: the main story missions of The Division could be 26

A Reddit user has posted some details about The Division, tomorrow on PS4, including a list of the missions we face. It seems that the game's main campaign will consist of 26 missions; the user has also found a mission with three variants and one that should be part of a future DLC.

This is the mission "Kill the Tank, named as" DLC01 "in the list of quests found by user: This suggests that it is a mission included in the Season Pass of the game, but it could also be included in the free content, which will introduce new challenges in April and may.

The user has found reference to a fourth faction also completely unprecedented present in Manhattan: a Russian group called Bratva, which might be part of a future DLC. Brooklyn also appears several times suggesting that an expansion could be dedicated to this area of New York. We'll keep you posted on further updates while we remind you that today at 14:00 will be open tomorrow and game servers will be officially on sale, even if it is already available in many store because bursting of Day One.