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Bethesda starts telling us 22 reasons to love DOOM

Bethesda Softworks celebrates 22 years since the publication of DOOM (released December 10, 1993) not so much with a retrospective on the original game, but looking forward to the new DOOM , released on May 13 on Xbox One . " DOOM is a deathmatch, an attitude, an expression ," says senior producer Sean Bean, continuing " is rock n ' roll. You send back the demons in the underworld with a brace and blood spatter on the face. DOOM is id ".

Although the legacy to keep is huge, the id Software team intends to produce a title that will present the original game while creating something completely new.

But why buy and love DOOM ? Bethesda runs to our aid proposing well twenty-two reasons to do it, here are the top eight.


DOOM has always boasted high adrenaline, close-quarter combat. There is nothing more personal than land a punch on the ravenous snout of a demon in charge. In the new title, they will assume a bigger role from melee attacks. With the "epic kills," DOOM now includes brutal finishing moves of great impact (trust me, they are so fun to use) and most importantly, all of this has great strategic value: the demons eliminated with epic kills will release more health and supplies. "Every time you will be making a killing epic, will be like a jolt of adrenaline" promises executive producer Marty Stratton. Also, the epic kills depend on the context (the animations change depending on where it is facing), and do not disturb ever thrust forward data from collisions. "We have very strict limits on what can be a maximum," says Chief Technology Officer Robert Duffy "last for hundreds of milliseconds, because we want the player doesn't ever stop."

Domination through animations

About the epic kills, each of these features a lot of animations. And the same goes for the rest of DOOM. Everything is produced by one of the best animation team in the market. "We have a diverse group of animators able to handle all situations, from motion capture to create blood models and animations, as well as their implementation in the game," says the animator senior Brett Paton, adding "our team aims to achieve adrenaline flowing and fights, without slowing down the shootings and the mechanics of movement to which the id is well known." And the team not only inspires the rich legacy of DOOM. According to Paton, is developing even the acrobatic movements and transverse RAGE, another recent game by id Software that was applauded for the IA and the animations of enemies.


The name is already a program. Is large, it is a weapon and is incredibly effective for $ #% & demons. "The BFG was ... still ... the most powerful weapon in the universe", explains General Manager Garrett Young, adding "I say no more."


You'll need all the power possible, especially to the depths of hell. Although the bloody stay in fiery realm may sound familiar to longtime fans of the series (the graphic team worked hard to capture the essence of the stylized representation of the underworld sight 22 years ago), this vision has been improved with a more modern and realistic approach. "The underworld are a big part of what makes DOOM interesting for players," said Darocy, adding "the Chief graphic team environments Lear had to ferry this environment in the current generation, pushing up new technologies to help players ' immersion into the world of DOOM".

DOOM Marine

Speaking of hell, nobody is better suited to tackle the flaming DOOM Marine realm. Why? "The underworld would fear him. Not because you are invulnerable, "says senior producer Sean Bean," but because you are faster, stronger, smarter and more angry. "

The art of war

Unlike the DOOM Marine, which is able to face the hordes of demons alone, not just one person to make a play. Headed by Creative Director Hugo Martin, joined id some years ago after a career between video games and Hollywood (including the Visual part of the film Pacific Rim ), the team id chart has evolved into a group specializing in teamwork. And continues to improve.

This is critical because, as Darocy says, their goal is to always raise the bar of targets, as it did at the time the original title. "This increases the pressure to which we are subjected, because we aim to repeat the story and to reintroduce DOOM in a pop culture, revitalizing the franchise," said Darocy, adding "it is a goal that requires true teamwork. A technical challenge that drives us to constantly learn new processes graphs ".

Pop culture icon

Of course, DOOM is already an icon of pop culture. Not only was there a movie starring Dwayne Johnson (when it was still called "The Rock"). Not only the original title was ported to virtually any electronic device, from mobile to console, from printers to the ATM. But over the years he also appeared in various other pop culture phenomena, including some of the most popular TV sitcom. "DOOM is seen in Friends ," recalls laughing Paton, "Chandler we played in one episode!".

Popularizing the FPS

It is easy to see why DOOM has been so present in pop culture. Although not the first FPS (usually, this merit is attributed to id Software's Wolfenstein, always), DOOM was the title that made it so popular first-person shooter genre. In fact, it took a while before the term "FPS" take foot: initially, the new titles of this kind were called "DOOM clones" by critics and audiences of users. But what made him such a huge success DOOM? According to the audio Director Chris Hite, is all about attitude. "Although the culture and mentality are very different from those of 22 years ago, there's always room for irreverence," he says. "Only think of technology and graphics are a trap, because you ignore the fundamental aspects that made it so great DOOM. For me, DOOM and id Software have always been an attitude of defiance. When everyone goes to the right, we tend to go left. In DOOM, there's an honesty ... a purity that still makes it accessible exactly like 22 years ago. Players will experience immediately. I think especially this has guaranteed to DOOM a place in the hearts and minds of previous generations and the current one. ".

"At the time, there was nothing, Nothing like this," adds senior producer Sean Bean. "It was ridiculously fast, cathartic, irreverent ... and damn difficult. Are important aspects, because it is a part of us that never abandons us. ".

Capture this attitude and this experience and show them to the current generation of players is one of the main objectives of executive producer Marty Stratton. "Our approach to the game was: first, it must be incredibly funny," says, "Apart from past experience with DOOM. If someone has never heard of DOOM, I think it will become a new fan. But I also hope that longtime fans will be able to see and appreciate the inspiration that we have drawn from the legacy of DOOM and that permeates every aspect, from combat arms, from the characters to some of the best secrets. ".

Stay on our pages to discover the remaining 14 reasons to love DOOM , which will be spread over the next few days!