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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the most watched game in the press in 2015

According to an analysis of ICO Partners that took account of the trends throughout the past year, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the most watched game in the press in 2015. The game won the Fabio Fallout 4 by number of articles concerning him.

Based on this ranking, according to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt there would be Fallout 4 followed by GTA V whose preview dates back to 2013. According to this research the game would have received many plaudits because players ' expectations were fully met once outside this chapter of the saga, while Fallout 4 did much talked about because of the exit a short distance from the advertisement.

Now that a year has passed and another gaming is just getting started, what will be the most watched game in the press in 2016?