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Details and pictures about customizing our Dragon Age fortress: Inquisition

One of the questions that you'll probably be placed during these months on the upcoming Bioware title titled Dragon Age: Inquisition is relative to the base of operations that we have in the game. The answer to this question is Skyhold, the stronghold completely customizable in different aspects and especially the lugo where you can send our inquisitors to complete certain missions.

Starting with a small introduction, we inform you that we will begin the game with Skyhold as base for our business. For the first part of the adventure, i.e. before the Inquisition is still officially within the Kingdom, you and your allies will reap at the village of Haven. Once the Inquisition will move to Skyhold, the find as a stronghold in ruins, with holes in the roofs and debris scattered on the ground.

When in the progress of history and of the missions you and your Inquisition power grow, the services and comforts of Skyhold will improve in many ways: simply take a tour of your castle to hear in a tangible way your progress, different areas will be completely rebuilt and new areas of the Castle will become available. The walls will be like new. Your soldiers patrol the Castle. You will see your support staff increase in number and traders are to work and to sell, so you get that feeling of having created something great.

Skyhold layout is generally standard and equal for all, but each player will decide with regard to furniture and other elements in the restructuring process. For example: If a tower needs to be rebuilt, you can decide whether to arrange to accommodate magicians or Templars, depending of your faith. Alternatively, if our character is a Dalish Elf, you can furnish the castle with the Dalish wood carvings. We can then choose tapestries, statues and other furnishing to suit our tastes.

Skyhold will also be the place where you make decisions on where and how to expand the Inquisition. Using the table of war, we decide where it is most needed the attention of the Inquisitor, choosing areas to unlock and where to send our agents. In the main hall, where it will reside on our Throne, you will instead hear and make a decision regarding the fate of someone.

We propose a set of screen showing Skyhold and customization possibilities.