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Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition makes two years and provides us with gifts and discounts

Today : Xbox 360 Edition Minecraft accomplishes two years since its release on Marketplace: while many believed it would be a flop due to greater completeness and editability of the PC experience, and instead turned out to be one of the biggest hits of all time for the Microsoft console, with more than 12 million copies sold. To celebrate this anniversary, Microsoft offers us for a limited time a series of downloadable packages for free or at half price.

From now and until May 18 you can download for free the first " Birthday Skin Pack ", released last year, in addition to the new " 2nd Birthday Skin Pack " which includes characters from Halo, Fable, Banjo and Viva PiƱata.

Also from today until 11 may you can buy for half price all the skins and texture packs, with the sole exception of those dedicated to the Marvel characters.

We leave you with some images showing the content on offer and one that celebrates second birthday specifically.