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New discounts on Game Store Xbox titles include One at half price

Microsoft today announced the new weekday discounts, valid until March 31, the Game Store: while so far these discounts were devoted primarily to Xbox 360 games, today we also find three Xbox titles One, two of which are very recent and can be purchased at half price: Thief and Tomb Raider . Be careful though to date: while most discounts are active as of today, those indicated with an asterisk (*) will leave only from Friday, 28. Here's the complete list.

Xbox Offers One

Contents Type Discount%
Call of Duty: Ghosts * One Xbox game 33%
Thief * One Xbox game 50%
Tomb Raider * One Xbox game 50%
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition * One Xbox game 20%

Xbox 360 deals

Contents Type Discount%
BioShock Infinite Games on Demand 67%
BioShock Infinite – Burial at Sea Episode 1 Add-on 50%
BioShock Infinite – Clash in the Clouds Add-on 50%
BioShock Infinite-Columbia's Finest Pack Add-on 50%
BioShock Games on Demand 75%
BioShock 2 Games on Demand 75%
The Walking Dead Survival Instinct Games on Demand 75%
NBA 2K14 Games on Demand 50%
Thief * Games on Demand 50%
Tomb Raider * Games on Demand 50%
Call of Duty: Ghosts * Games on Demand 33%