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Rumor: Human Head is no longer working on Prey 2

It only makes the news yesterday that denied the cancellation of Prey 2 by Bethesda and informed at the same time the delay for technical issues and currently unsatisfactory quality of the product. But it seems that things are not exactly so, since according to recent rumors of delay would cause the abandonment of the project by Human Head , developer of the game.

According to some sources, Human Head would have interrupted the work since last November because of a disagreement over the terms of the contract with Bethesda. In the following months the situation was worsened until the final break, so much that it seems that Human Head is already at work on a new high profile project because negotiations for Prey didn't go to fruition.

View the intricate situation at the time the only thing to do is wait for new statements by Zenimx/Bethesda that might shed some light on the future of Prey 2 .