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A new GTA will be present at 'E3 2010?

From 15 to 17 June next will take place in Los Angeles the biggest gaming fair of the year and wait, or E3. Like every year, rumors about what you would see no shortage of, and today it was leaked a network that will delight for many players, if it proves true. As revealed by the head company's statistical analysis EEDAR (Electronic Entertainment Design and Research) Jesse Divnich, Rockstar will show us something about a new GTA was during the Los Angeles event.

"I think we will hear of another Grand Theft Auto. I do not think there is anything playable, but Rockstar will give us some kind of teaser, because we think in 2011 we will see another series title."
We just have to wait then the E3 to see if the thought of Divnich will be confirmed by the facts.