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Rumor: new details emerge on Mass Effect Andromeda

It will still take a while before EA and BioWare decide to reveal to the public more information about Mass Effect: Andromeda , the next episode of the saga that will kick off a new trilogy; This however does not prevent those in possession of such information to them in various ways, as has just happened on Reddit.

A famous user network has in fact contacted moderators privately by proving to be a game tester and have a very immature version of the title, releasing a series of interesting details about characters and plot. Riporiamo them below and invite you as always to take the benefit of the doubt until official confirmation.

  • The protagonist of the game will have the title of "Pathfinder" (translated in Italian as a Scout or pioneer) and will aim to find a new home for humanity.
  • The missions will work as in the past with two team members at our side, selected from a broader team and all customizable armor, helmet, weapons etc. Two of these include a human and sensual blonde and a krogan.
  • All team members, including us, have a jetpack that will play a key role in the exploration; It therefore appears that the environments will be much more complex and rich gradients, we can overcome only with the jetpack.
  • The omnitool, special multipurpose tool on the arm of the protagonist, will make her return in this game and will be much more versatile; for example will serve to create a shield during the fighting.
  • The game will feature destructible covers, while the weapons are more or less the same types seen in the past.
  • Our new ship will have design and layout are completely different from Normandy; There will be a suspended bridge as a sort of balcony, from which we can observe lower levels including the garage with the Mako. Our private clubs will be called "Pathfinder", while there will be a meeting in which we will be able to interact more closely with other members of the team (like the war room from: Inquisition?)
  • Galaxy navigation will no longer be pursued via a map, but we can do it directly with first person view from the space ship, where you will see icons for various destinations we can hook up. For interstellar travel we have FTL (Faster Than Light, i.e. motors, faster than the speed of light) that will replace the Galactic portals of the previous games.
  • The ship will be able to conduct special missions of "assault".
  • From the graphic point of view most noteworthy improvements have been made in the character models and facial features.
  • The Mako appears aesthetically identical to that shown in E3 trailer, but will probably be customizable.
  • There will be a new type of main enemies, aliens that seem visually the intersection of the Vorcha and Raiders .
  • In fighting the enemies arrive via shuttles of Cerberus, but is likely to have been used as a placeholder pending that developers realize the alien ships.
  • One of the enemies will be a human soldier armor similar to ours but without insignia N7.

If this information proves to be true, it seems that the series will take a more exploratory cut to Star Trek/Battlestar Galactica and this could then justify the apparently huge size of the ship that we saw in the latest trailer : there may be something much bigger and suitable for long interstellar travel than the old Normandy. What do you think?

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