
Live your

Advent: 2 k Games suggests the revelation of a new game set in a dystopian future

During its last financial Conference, Take-Two announced to be working on a new triple-A game coming out by the end of March 2016 that could be what is referred to in this web site.  The title you would call Advent and should be set, according to images released, in a dystopian future in which the company promises its citizens a life full of comfort and free from disease and famine.

Through various Tweets , it is revealed that Advent, with this name would be recognised the organisation will seek to create a world in which citizens will be happy that comfort will be the basis of everything.

But it's all true what this organization ensures? What trade-offs will be placed before the citizens to have all this? From images and statements disseminated, the locations will be made up of architectural buildings specifically designed to use any space efficiently. The developers invite us to move today "to live in the world of tomorrow".

We are waiting for more official information on the title which, in all likelihood, will be distributed during the next E3. Meanwhile, we leave you with images showing the game settings.