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SW Battlefront: info about news of spring come 2016 Bespin and Lando Calrissian

In a statement on the official website of Star Wars: Battlefront , SAYS it shows some of the many innovations that the software house has plans to implement, over the next few months, within its title dedicated to the Star Wars saga. We thus discover the upcoming arrival of a new setting, the planet Bespin and cloud city, and a character beloved by fans: Lando Calrissian.

Here are the details:

A spring of big news for Star Wars Battlefront

A new expansion pack, other free content and special events coming up

Una primavera di grandi novità per Star Wars Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront â„¢ community:

These early 2016 were frantic for us: in addition to having designed many new free content for Star Wars Battlefront, we published the first expansion pack included in the season pass outer rim. We are excited about the excellent feedback we have had the new maps set on Hoth, Tatooine, Sullust and Endor, the new weapons to be unlocked with the contracts of Hutt and the two new heroes who have fallen in battle, Greedo and Nien Nunb. As always, the footage of your companies that posted online leave us speechless.

We attach great importance to the feedback from the community and we are always working to improve the game. We've got great news for you! Here's a taste of free content available for all players:

  • New events -Other weekend with double points, community missions and special events coming soon to gain more experience, credits and content.
  • New contracts the Hutt -Berserker Attribute, bomb bacta, ion and other powerful neutralizer star charts to unlock.
  • New content -be prepared for a few surprises that will delight many fans, especially those who have always wanted more options to play Star Wars Battlefront offline. More on that soon!
  • Celebrations for the May 4 -at the Star Wars Day, we have already planned some great activities which we will announce soon.

Season pass holders next June, will receive the second digital expansion pack: Star Wars Battlefront â„¢ Bespin . We will bring players in and out of the Cloud City, with four additional maps for the most popular game modes. You can admire the AT-AT in cloud city, darting over hunting Squadron buildings and even explore a room of graphite. Obviously you will find new blaster and star charts, a new game modes and two characters of which we are particularly proud: Lando Calrissian and the ruthless bounty hunter Dengar!

Speaking of heroes, we know that they are among the aspects of the game of your choice. We are happy to confirm that the season pass of Star Wars Battlefront I will offer a total of eight (including Greedo and Nien Nunb already contained in the package outer rim). There are two in the third and fourth death star expansion expansion pack yet to reveal. Appointment to this summer with more information on the heroes.

On behalf of the entire team at DICE, we hope to see you soon on the front of the battle! The force â„¢ is with you!

Stay tuned for more details that will be announced from time to time about this Star Wars: Battlefront!