
Live your

From the creators of Remember Me comes the episodic Life is Strange

Square Enix has announced that the study Dontnod Entertainment development, already responsible for the futuristic action Remember Me, is at work on "Life is Strange , digital only title and which will be released in the form of episodes, like in most classic form of distribution in digital delivery. Regarding the platforms on which will come Life is Strange , the player will have plenty of choice, since it's expected to be on the older console that on next-gen.

The developers have called "narrative experience with a twist": the protagonist, a student named Max Caulfield, when after five years of absence returns to his town, " Oregon town of Arcadia Boy", decides along with her friend Chloe to shed light on the mystery of the disappearance of its coetanea, Rachel Amber. It is at this point that Max discovers that possess the power to rewind back the time and change the course of history.

Below you can see the first pictures.