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Rumor: FIFA 14 will be included with all European Xbox One

The English site MCV claims to have received from two different sources potentially explosive News: according to whistleblowers, Microsoft will announce tomorrow an agreement with EA to give away a copy of FIFA 14 (we don't know whether digital or on disk) with every Xbox One sold in Europe.

The move was intended to increase the value perceived by consumers in the console while maintaining the fixed price to 499 euros; FIFA videogame franchise being more sold in Europe, this would guarantee to many who had already intend to buy the game a saving of about 60 euros; for those who were not willing to take the game will instead of a title in addition to playing with the new console.

If true, this would be a great determination on the part of Microsoft in conquering the European market.

Please note also that the English site CVG reported similar news, but the site's sources were more generic, explaining only that it is a game of "primary importance" and that, it seems, is an exclusive Xbox One, news which directly conflicts with the information on FIFA's 14 MCV. We have to wait until tomorrow, after the 11:00, to find out which Microsoft reserving surprises.