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Halo 4: the Infinity Challenge, break for the Spartan Ops

343 Industries has released the new Halo Bulletin and update is full of novelties: among the most important news is the announcement of mega-Infinity Challenge Tournament and a break in the scheduling of Spartan Ops.

The Infinity Challenge was defined by 343 same the biggest World Tournament of Halo : this is a free event and open to all during which 343 will record the points received by players in the War Games, the number of chapters completed by sh Ops and in completing the various challenges that will be issued from time to time. It will help create a charts which will be awarded ben 2800 prizes: the first prize for the War Games is a true off-road vehicle Ford F-150 SVT Raptor with UNSC-themed livery, while the first runner-up in the Spartan Ops will have the opportunity to appear in the next title in the series and the winners of the challenge will receive various prizes packages. In order to participate in the event you need to subscribe to this page (from 12 December will be available also in Italian localized version) and competitions begin on 17 December. The list of prizes can be found on this page .

We come now to the Spartan Ops. 343 announced a "pause" before the arrival of the remaining 5 episodes of season one: the series will continue in January with " new episodes, chapters, locations and maps ", but of course all episodes released so far will remain playable. A preview of upcoming episodes there will be given during 2012 VGA, then at 8 a.m. appointment for more details.