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ACIII: a new co-op mode and gameplay of Boston

During the Comic-Con in San Diego, Ubisoft has presented the new cooperative multiplayer mode "Wolf Pack" of Assassin's Creed III he sees committed four players to kill certain targets controlled by the AI. There will be 25 waves in total, with the murders that will require more commitment with increasing difficulty and will therefore be crucial to communicate with teammates to abbattare targets within the stipulated time. The cooperative element had already been revealed accidentally by in the past, only to be quickly deleted.

We offer also the demo of Boston commented in Italian by developers, where you explain the new directions taken by the development team: there will be no more potions at our disposal to regenerate health and during the fighting we do not have any way to recover energy; We can use new types of caches, also simply hiding in the bushes or among the tall grass and finally the city of Boston will be recreated on a scale of 1: 3.

MX Video - Assassin's Creed III