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MW3: face-off mode coming with the second DLC

Infinity Ward announced that the Content Pack 2 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 , coming to the end of the month, will include a new game mode called face-off dedicated to fighting against 1 or 2 against 1 and 2 four new maps designed for the new mode, therefore more restricted and optimized for combat.

The first two maps will be available for free to all owners of Xbox 360 starting next May 15, to give us the opportunity to "taste" the new mode: Aground takes us on the coast of Scotland, where we find a ship wrecked while Erosion shows some Roman ruins in the background with the Vesuvius in eruption.

The rest of the maps will be released on May 22 in Content Pack 2 and Gataway , which takes us on a Brazilian beach and Lookout , set in an observation post in Afghanistan. This section will also contain the true body of the DLC.

Executive producer Mark Rubin commented on the announcement: 1Vs1 mode "is not particularly innovative in itself, but the design of maps specifically designed for this type of fighting instead. Normal maps are very large and have then distances of tyre, when you shrink the maps become shorter shooting distances too. This makes the game faster and more exciting. Moreover, you won't have to waste too much time to seek within the map: here everything will be faster. "

But it's not over here: this second DLC will feature three new maps also multiplyaer standard, two of which have already been issued to Elite Premium ( Sanctuary and Foundation ) but a brand new, is called Oasis and takes us on a beach resort UAE.

If this isn't enough, you will also find two pack new Spec-Ops missions for the co-op:

Ironclad is set immediately after the Hamburg mission of the single player campaign and will see you and your partner try to return to the meeting point on the beach after the initial assault. The strong point of this new mission is that you will have to perform different tasks if you want to get out of it alive: for example, a Player attempts to remove obstacles to land and take off the infantry while her partner is driving a tank, and will cooperate if they want to come back alive.

The second mission Spec-Ops, Killswitch , denomianta will be set in a Russian shipyard: here one of the players will be hidden while the other will have the role of sniper and will have to escape the compaƱero. The final aim of the mission is to detonate an EMP.