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New details about Alice: Madness Returns

Speaking to Joystiq, the game designer American McGee has provided new details about his new creation, Alice: Madness Returns, solid horror action game from EA and following the first American McGee's Alice. In Madness Returns, Alice will be free from psychological problems that have plagued the first episode. However Wonderland will again invade his reality, but this time Alice will be a hero, able to fight the demons that emerge in real life.

"If the first episode we have lived a purely psychological," said McGee, "in Madness Returns can admire the contrast between Wonderland and London, observing the real world of Alice and the influence of actions that appears in two worlds. In Wonderland Alice is practically invincible, but when he returns to London is a normal girl, with its difficulties. Everything that happens in Wonderland is a function of his psyche, if it appears a problem in real life is where his psyche and seeks refuge to solve it. "

McGee has also provided details on the new look for Alice, revealing that it will be updated in real time and influenced by several factors, which will change the character's hair and clothing. "

Waiting for new revelations, we leave you with some images taken from the latest trailer released during the last TGS.