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Forza Horizon 4 breaks the records for the franchise and the racing genre on Xbox

Other titles, such as Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2 , showed that the presence at the launch in the Xbox Game Pass does not affect the sales of games but, indeed, it even seems to help them; the acid test of this theory would, however, was the launch of Horizon Force 4 , and seems to have overcome great.

Financial analyst Matt Piscatella has posted on Twitter the results obtained with the title in USE in September, highlighting how the title has had the best sales at launch than any other game in the franchise , but not only: also had the best sales the launch of any racing game in the history of every Xbox. Obviously these figures take account solely of the game sold individually or bundled with the console in physical stores or the Game Store, thus excluding any outcome concerning the Games Pass.

An undeniable success selling then, which shows that sales to the launch of the games are not affected by the presence of the same in Game Pass; Indeed, although there are still serious studies on the matter, it seems the Game Pass can even improve sales, probably thanks to Word of mouth and "demo effect" of players who try the titles on the Pass and then decide to purchase them permanently.

Anyway, Congrats to PlayGround Games for the excellent result obtained with this amazing title!