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Ubisoft anticipates in live video a short film dedicated to Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Ubisoft today released a short teaser for a movie to live 30 minutes dedicated to the world of Ghost Recon Wildlands which will be available from 16 February both on channel Twitch of Ubisoft that video on demand service, Amazon Prime, and that will serve as a prologue to the story of the game.

Titled War Within the Cartel , the video is set in the heart of the drug cartel Santa Blanca, controlled by his revered and ruthless leader, El Sueño. As a result of an attack on the whole, the leaders of the Organization, composed of El Muro (Security Officer), El Yayo (production manager), Nidia Flores (Chief Operating Officer) and El Cardenal (spiritual head), intend to flush out the traitor that lurks among their ranks and demand the just vengeance. The story culminates with the events leading up to the beginning of the game, in which a special forces unit, the Ghost, is called into action to dismantle the cartel.

We leave you the teaser view completely in Italian, remembering that Ghost Recon Wildlands will be released on Xbox One on March 7 PS4!

MX Video - Ghost Recon Wildlands