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Xbox One: Cortana and the background music arrive in summer

In addition to the newness of the Dev Mode , Microsoft announced that this summer will arrive on Xbox One two more news very expectations, including a one big update called " Windows Update" 10 Anniversary . The update will introduce finally Cortana, the Assistant AI already exists on PCs and Smartphones that will help us to find new games, new challenges or tips and tricks on the games.

For now we do not know whether the release of Cortana will initially be limited to English-speaking countries or whether it will come right away even from us: expect more details in the coming weeks.

Other highly anticipated new features coming this summer is also the background music, namely the possibility for any app to play music even when it is not active, or stretched screen: this will allow you to play our songs, or even audio tracks from various types of apps, while we play so as to use them as a custom soundtrack for our games (of course after you disable the audio from the games themselves). Combined with the arrival of Universal Apps, this could create a long list of music apps designed specifically for Xbox One.

We will update you when there will be more information: stay tuned!