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Greenberg: we have no plans to implement the resale of digital games at the moment

As we had anticipated in a previous news , Microsoft had probed the possibility of allowing users to "sell" the Games Store their digital games, in Exchange for credit to be reused on the store itself. The head of marketing Xbox Aaron Greenberg has explained that this feature is not planned for now.

Greenberg commented on Twitter : " we're not planning an active thing, I was surprised that it was even asked in a survey".

One of the flaws of buy games digitally is the inability to resell the games even if we finished or not we wernt, so when this investigation is coming off many people welcomed the idea, although the value of trade-in was not particularly high.

In the poll in fact Microsoft had the idea of offering only the 10% of the value of the purchased game. If, as it seems, digital downloads will be the norm in the near future, it would have been very positive so hopefully in a rethink of the House of Redmond, also because the possibility of reselling games is one reason why some customers still prefer the physical copy than digital.