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Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress comes 8 preceded by an update that reduces your uploads

Square Enix and Avalanche Software announced today that the first DLC for Just Cause 3 , called Sky Fortress , March 8 will be available free of charge to all holders of Season Pass " air, land and sea " while goes on sale globally on March 15 at the price of 11, 99€.

The downloadable package includes a new series of missions and introduces a new threat: the eDEN Corporation with the huge and terrifying Fortress of heaven and a deadly army of drones. To address them, Rico Rodriguez can count on new wingsuit to bavarium with fully upgradable Jet engine and equipped with missiles and machine guns, a new drone Hunter for his personal defence and sputabavarium assault rifle.

" The new content will change the approach of the players during the adventure: we can't wait to see how fans will adapt to the new wingsuit ," said Tobias Andersson, Senior Producer at Avalanche Studios, adding " the new quests, challenges and gadgets that can be taken inside the main game scramble all the cards and we are eager to observe players who rivisiteranno Physicians becoming more creative ".

All three additional content for the game will be released by the end of the summer 2016 and there is a Season Pass holders early access for each package a week.

Finally, in view of the new content, the main game will receive a big upgrade on March 4 that will include the following adjustments:

  • Reducing the loading time of the splash screen and in-game screens of 20-50%;
  • Fixed several memory leaks resulting in crash;
  • Reduction of a number of random crashes;
  • Improved streaming of the game world;
  • Some performance optimizations related to bugs;
  • Implemented a DLC system in package view Season Pass.

To follow a new trailer dedicated to the first downloadable content: enjoy!

MX Video - Just Cause 3