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DOOM arrives on 13 may, ad Collector's Edition and new campaign trailer

Bethesda Softworks announced today that the new id Software FPS DOOM will hit stores on May 13 digital and physical; for the occasion, the Publisher announced the Collector's Edition of the game, which will contain a statue of 30 cm of demon Revenant from illuminated base with a slowly rotating fan and you're in an exclusive steelbook.

Check out the details of the EC riferitici from Bethesda:

" The Collector's Edition, created in collaboration with TriForce, includes a unique and detailed high-30 cm action figure of one of the most famous demons in the series, the Revenant. Modeled on the 3D file of the game and looks spectacular, the demonic Revenant is leaning on a slowly rotating turbine equipped with LED-lit from the UAC Mars facility. DOOM Collector's Edition also includes a copy of the game contained in a metal box ready for any battle.

The Collector's Edition of DOOM is available for booking at participating retailers at the price of € 129.99. "

But that's not all: it was also announced the bonus pre-order applies to both the standard edition that the EC, which is to play multiplayer and Daemon package that contains a set of daemonic armor only with three skins, six colors of metallic paint and three graphics with the logo id Software applicable to weapons and armor, plus one set of six modules hacks or in-game items usable only once and very useful in multiplayer games.

We close with a flourish two images of CE and pre-order content, the cover of the game and a new trailer for the game dedicated specifically to the gory and demonic single player campaign: see for yourself!

MX Video - DOOM