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Ubisoft confirms that For Honor will have a single-player campaign

During the E3 2015 Ubisoft arose for the first time For Honor , action-game medieval hues in development for Xbox One , showing only a competitive mode where 2 teams, consisting of 4 players each, compete on the battlefield for three key points of the map: this has led the community to ask loudly developers if the title was a single-player mode but , for a variety of reasons, Ubisoft has never confirmed or denied about it, at least so far!

Using the new video that you can see at the bottom of the news, the producer Stephane Cardin has now declared that For Honor will have a complete single player campaign. " The single-player campaign mode is one of the main topics on which we are working ," said Cardin during the movie, adding " we can't wait to show it to the community and we will do it as soon as possible as we have done with the multiplayer segment ."

There are currently no more information, but one question arises: there will be three separate adventures for every Warrior ( Viking , samurai and medieval knight ), or only one that combines all three wrestlers symbols of three different eras? Have your say in the comments, and stay tuned!

MX Video - For Honor