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Ubisoft shows us the Far Cry gameplay: Primal in a long tube

Last night Ubisoft held a 2-hour live during which developers of prehistoric open-world adventure Far Cry: Primal played and shown many aspects of the title, explaining things like fighting with animals and human enemies, the types of weapons that can be used, the use of fire, exploration and even direct control of an OWL.

If you wanted to get a feel of the game before the release of 23 February, this is definitely the best opportunity: we leave you then to video informing you that, if you want to skip the parts where the developers about this, only the pieces of gameplay are located at 00:52:59 1:12:24 00:45:40 00:04:45, minutes, 1:29:54, and 56, 01.45:. Good vision!

MX Video - Far Cry: Primal