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Far Cry: Primal will speak a language older than thousands of years

If you have seen the latest trailer for Far Cry: Primal , you may have noticed that the "Narrator" caveman whose voice is the background to the action doesn't speak in Italian or in English: it seems using an ancient unknown language. Ubisoft has now revealed that the use of that language was not simply a scenic effect chose for the trailer, but that the entire game will use that language-and other variants-instead of contemporary languages.

The title creative director Jean-Christophe Guyot has explained that at the beginning of the development the team started using English voices for characters but this was breaking the immersion because the fact that dwellers interact using a language so complex appeared out of place. Developers are then consulted with linguists who specialize in idioms proto-European languages spoken thousands of years ago, to use a language as close as possible to those of the cavemen.

Experts illustrated before Guyot and companions a tongue of 7000 years ago, but this too seemed appeared to be too complex, that developers have asked the team of linguists to extrapolate from this that that could be the language used at the time of the game, namely 12000 years ago. The result is the video Wenja , the language spoken in the following and in General in the game, which was then translated in three variants, one for each of the major tribes in the title. Guyot explains that linguists have been enthusiastic about the work done, because it allowed him to bring back to life and offer the general public a language lost for millennia.

In case you're wondering, "then we're going to have to read subtitles for the duration of the game?", this was not made clear and we don't know how we will communicate missions or objectives, but given the circumstances it is unrealistic to think that there may be parts dubbed in Italian.

We remind you that Far Cry: Primal is expected for February 23 on Xbox One .

MX Video - Far Cry: Primal