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Rise of the Tomb Raider: a video shows us the effect of Shipping Papers

Last week we talked about Shipping cards, trading card system present in Rise of the Tomb Raider that will allow us to change in unexpected ways and also the gameplay of the title. The following video shows us card effects present in the package "Holy Fire", reserved for preorders of the game in the USA; as you can see, they range from classic effects like the possibility to equip fire arrows, to other less realistic as the spontaneous explosion of enemies killed in a stealth until the craziest ones such as the ability to launch "explosive chickens".

Please note however that Shipping cards will be usable only in the extra game mode and not in the main story, for not going to impact the user experience than provided by developers; There will still plenty of extra fun when you walk in modes like Score Attack , Remnant Resistance and Chapter Replay , all described in our previous news . We leave you with the video: enjoy!

MX Video - Rise of the Tomb Raider