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FROM Inquisition: BioWare Announces free multiplayer DLC dragon slayer

BioWare today announced that next Tuesday, on May 5, will be available to download for all platforms-a new free DLC for the multiplayer of Dragon Age: Inquisition titled " dragon slayer ". The new package will offer downloadable epic battles against high dragons in a new map (a new castle fereldiano) and three new characters: a Sky Avvar Observer , a deadly music virtuoso named ZITHER and Isabela , the notorious Queen of the Eastern seas.

Also the next 5 may at BioWare 19:00 will broadcast a live special on Twitch which shows the new content and all the main features of multiplayer expansion dragon slayer .

Finally the software house said through a message on Twitter that Tuesday May 26 will be available to download on Xbox 360 the first DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition titled The jaws of Hakkon which, at a price of € 14.99, will offer a new story set in a civilization located south of Thedas .

We leave you now to three new images showing the characters and settings of the new free DLC dragon slayer .