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Dragon Ball Xenoverse: announced the contents of the third DLC

The latest issue of Japanese magazine V-Jump Magazine has revealed more information about the third DLC for Dragon Ball: Xenoverse , isipriato to the new movie Dragon Ball z: Fakkatsu no F . The DLC, along with helper Freezer Gold version will also contain the transformations God Super Saiyan Super Saiyan Goku and Vegeta.

In addition there will be:

-4 new playable characters (Jaco and the 3 mentioned above)

-New clothes and accessories (green Suit Gohan and Scouter of Tagoma)

-2 New mentors (Jaco and the Chief Kaioshin)

-13 new skills

-Z-7 Souls

-5 parallel Missions

Below we present an image that shows the contents of the DLC, which has not yet set a release date.