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Microsoft examines the possibility of connecting to Xbox One HoloLens

As you well know, Microsoft recently lifted the veil on its new and innovative HoloLens Viewer that will aim to expand the real-world everyday with special 3D Holograms. Unlike VR viewers as Oculus, however, this is not thought to be connected to a PC or a console: is a completely stand-alone device, a complete "holographic computer".

Today, during an interview granted to the Polygon, the Xbox Division Chief Phil Spencer is back to talk about HoloLens opening any window on a future device usage with Xbox One .

"First of all, we think it's important that the device to be successful as a stand-alone device," explained Spencer.

"What we have shown are all stand-alone. They are all running on the same device, and it really is a great result. There are no cables or other advances that we have seen are faithful representations of some of the awesome things that will come. We tried to be the first to go in this world. "

And also as a stand-alone device, Spencer believes that video games will have an important role to play but that there might be room for the Xbox connection:

"I think, in the world there is a consumer electronics device of success without a game-related applications, whether it is primary or secondary. With HoloLens will work the same way and I think the game will be important. We are thinking of specific scenarios related to Xbox wondered loudly by the people, as any streaming solutions, use it as a display for Xbox etc., but at the moment we have no answers for any of these things. "

"I appreciate the virtual reality equipment. Morpheus, Oculus, I think they're doing a great job, I've said it over and over again, and I like that our industry continues to move forward with innovation. I've always applauded Sony and Oculus for what they created but, at the same time, I think HoloLens is something different. "

Later, Spencer concludes with a comment regarding the recent demonstration of the viewer with the game Minecraft:

"When you see real and virtual scenarios that blend, creating gaming experiences that take place directly into the room, I think you'll see what other than to virtual reality. Virtual reality is, as I see it, a fully immersive universe separated from the real world. With HoloLens instead we will have a big screen on the wall, a virtual screen, and this creates a real mix of skills that I believe will make a difference. "

It therefore seems clear that HoloLens , exactly like most consumer electronic devices will support video games, although we do not know if will be able to communicate with our Xbox. Would you like to see yourself as a possible unit tied to Xbox One? Only time will tell us. In the meantime, let us share your views through comments.