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Killer Instinct arrives in stores with the Combo Breaker Pack

Microsoft has announced that the "first season" of Killer Instinct , the popular fighting game released on the Xbox launch One, due out in September even in stores for purchase for those who prefer to have the physical copies of their games.

The new edition of the game will be called Killer Instinct: Combo Breaker Pack and will arrive in the us on 23 September at the price of $ 19.99. We can assume that Europe will arrive the same week 26, for a similar price. The game will include all eight characters released so far-j. needle, Sabrewulf, Glacius, Thunder, Sadira, Orchid, Spinal, and Brightness-with the addition of bonus Season 2 character TJ Combo.

Microsoft has also confirmed that Killer Instinct: Season Two will arrive on our consoles by the end of the year: expect more information during the Gamescom.

We show below the image of the game pack, through which we discover that Microsoft is starting to signal their exclusives with the words "Only on Xbox One".