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New details for Final Fantasy XV from Japan

Japanese sites of Xbox and PlayStation there were new details about Final Fantasy XV ", the first episode of the series to land on next-gen console (if you exclude the MMO FF XIV: A Realm Reborn ). For the first time in the series will be the battle system in real time which will deal with confrontations much more dynamic than ever before, blurring the boundary between RPG and action game. Square has embarked on a remarkable change of direction leading to various innovations such as the ability to move on the battlefield even more freely than in the past and to move from one character to another to make the most of the different strategic capacity each, giving birth to combined attacks.

According to details, the combat system will be very advanced game mechanics and more focused on proposing a title in which you will be able to quickly switch from exploring the battle without interruption. Noctis will make use of a wide variety of weapons and can move quickly within cooperating with team mates. (C) cooperating with the fight will be one of the most important features of this game.

Do you also mention briefly the plot. Armed forces of Niflheim have launched a devastating attack on the Kingdom of Noctis Lucis, heir to the throne and in possession of the last World Cup, Crystal to topple the throne Prince forcing him and his companions to fight a bloody war.

Further details will be released probably at E3 in June.