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Killer Instinct sends to prison the rage-quitters

Double Helix have announced that with the next update of Killer Instinct will also have a new punitive system act to discourage rogue players that come out of the game early. The developer States that if in a period of ten or more ranked games a player reaches a percentage of neglect amounting to 15%, this will be put in "jail" for a period of 24 hours.

During this period of "jail", players will compete only with other players in jail and will not participate in ranked games. also their icon will be modified with a player that shows the State of imprisonment. But that's not all: every time a player is sent to prison, the period of imprisonment shall be increased to 24 hours compared to the previous time, up to a maximum of 5 days.

There seems to be a very smart move to discourage the practice of "rage-quitting", players who disconnect from games when they see that are missing: we have to see whether this measure will improve the quality of online players.