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Xbox Live Compute: all titles Xbox One will have dedicated servers

Xbox Wire has posted a new article devoted to the Xbox One cloud, which we call officially Xbox Live Compute . The article actually says a lot of things that we already knew, namely how the cloud can help the games both in the creation of dedicated servers, is taking charge of computational expensive task to release the resources of the console for more processes related to real-time gameplay. There is, however, an interesting information dedicated to lovers of dedicated servers for multiplayer.

The article addresses the subject of dedicated servers reiterating how the system will be able to dynamically allocate more or less virtual servers depending on load requirements of each game which makes use, positioning also geographically in the data center closest to the players; the biggest news though is that this system will be used for free by all developers. This means that, potentially, as was also confirmed by Albert Brush via Twitter , all Xbox games One can have dedicated servers.

The use of this system depends on solely by the developers, and saw that for them is completely free and does not offer other advantages, it is legitimate to expect that most of the multiplayer titles for Xbox One will exploit the system of dedicated servers hosted by Xbox Live Compute. We will update you if there will be more news on this topic.