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Microsoft: you can completely turn off Xbox Kinect, including

One of the recent concerns about the Xbox One is that relating to the fact that, even when turned off, the console will always remain in a State of "doze" by constantly listening, Kinect ready to ignite when esclameremo "Xbox, On!". This did speculate the most paranoid that Microsoft could constantly monitor with Kinect everything that happens in our living room, even when the console is not in use.

When questioned about it by Stephen Totilo on Kotaku, Microsoft has, however, explained that the console and Kinect should not necessarily be always on: you can place the console in a State of "completely shut down" without being compelled-as some speculated his-to disconnect the power.

Microsoft has also explained that the console will contain clear and detailed information on the use that is made of the data collected, and will have different privacy settings to allow users to decide which data may be recorded, stored and shared. More details about it will be released soon: stay tuned.