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Xbox One and used: four scenarios of use

I'm going to write an article summary on all the features of Xbox One note to date (online), and trying to explain how it will handle the used on the new console (which won't be blocked, as some think) I suggested four possible scenarios for how things will be handled on the new console. We propose a preview here, hoping that they can serve to chiarivi ideas on how to work the management used in the new world of Digital Retail ". Forgive me if I repeat things already written in a previous news, but serves to clarify the ideas to those who did not read that.

Let's start with a basic data: all games are installed on the hard disk will be bootable and then even without having the disc in the drive, as if you had downloaded from Live.

When buying a game for Xbox One , for use on our console we will have to activate it online using a code found in the game: from that moment onwards we will realise our own a "license" that will give us the right to use it. The code will be usable only once, so if we want to lend or sell the game going to different scenarios. We list them below.

Scenario a: bring the game to a friend's House to play with him -the game will be available on the console of his friend, provided, however, that we connect with the same Xbox Live users who made the activation code.

Scenario b: I want to sell or trade the game with another player -Microsoft explained that there will be an online system that will allow players to sell or exchange their gaming licenses. The details are not yet clear, but the system will allow us to send a license from our console to the recipient: in doing so he will transfer ownership of the game and we won't be able to use it more on our console. Upon receipt of the license, the other player can download the game from the Live or we will provide you with the disc for installation. For now it is unclear whether this "licence transfer" can be done for free, or if Microsoft will require some sort of fee for the license to another user.

Scenario c: I want to take the game to a friend and then resume it when it has finished -For deduction, this scenario will result from previous: transfer the license to our friend, who will play and then ritrasferirà to us once you have finished. Will actually like having lent the album: while he "owns" the game, we won't be able to use it. This will be possible unless Microsoft does not introduce a limit in times where you can swap a same license between players or whether it will introduce the payment of a transfer fee, which would make it funny that system: at present this is not clear.

Scenario d: I want to sell or buy a used game store -Microsoft explained that this will be fully feasible, and also the CEO of GameStop USA has made it clear in the last few hours that there will be no problems in this regard. The details of how this will be carried out must still be explained: Suppose our console we can somehow transfer the license to the shop, which we will pay with credits for purchasing of other games/licenses "used".

This is all we know or we can deduce from what has been stated so far: we are waiting for further clarification on the part of Microsoft.